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Discover | 3:14

Meditation: Our discovery programme

I’m delighted to introduce you to these mindfulness meditation programmes. These programmes will help you to relieve stress, better regulate your emotions, improve your sleep, feel more stable in your day-to-day life and regain a sense of energy when you’re feeling rather tired.

So there are many benefits to these practices, each of which is a programme that you can choose to suit your needs.

My name is Alain Facchin and I’ve been a trainer in mindfulness meditation for a very long time now, both MBSR and MBCT. I’m also a lecturer and author, and I give a lot of talks in companies and institutions. Over the last fifteen years or so, I’ve given face-to-face support to several thousand people who have followed these programmes, which last around two to three months.

Here we have a different approach, but one that is just as relevant and effective. So what is meditation?It’s a simple training practice to sharpen our focus on what we’re feeling by increasing the quality of our listening and presence to what we’re experiencing. Exercises to help us become more present to ourselves and to our surroundings.

Mindfulness meditation or mindfulness of presence is a profoundly secular and contemporary practice that stems from traditions dating back thousands of years. We might have preconceived ideas such as: it’s a religion, this stop thinking, or it’s not accessible to everyone. This meditation is devoid of any form of spirituality.It was introduced by an American doctor of biology called Jon Kabat-Zinn, who created the MBSR reference programme, specifically for calming stress, regulating emotions and pain to feel better in your life, more peaceful, more composed.

A Canadian psychology professor, Zindel Segal, created the MBCT programme and has demonstrated the benefits of its practices for anxiety, or when we tend to see things in a negative light. These practices create a space that allows people to feel much better about themselves and their lives. And all this has been amply demonstrated.In fact, what has led to the development of mindfulness throughout the world are the many studies carried out by neuroscientists, researchers and various research laboratories around the world.

All these studies, which have developed considerably, confirm that regular practice of this type of meditation helps to relieve stress, improve sleep, boost the immune system and restore energy. It also enables a different kind of relationship to life, to the world, to oneself and to others. And of course, many other aspects have also been studied.

These mindfulness meditation programmes, which you will discover, are really training sessions. The heart of mindfulness is training and that’s what’s going to make all the difference. So to practice you can start this first programme, which is a discovery programme. So that you can understand from the inside, live this experience of meditation. And little by little catch all the subtleties, all that it will be able to bring you. See you soon.

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Discover MeditBe

Join thousands of people who are finding serenity, sleeping better and becoming more attentive.

Opening up to sleep

Engaging in a soothing state of somnolence

Regulating stress

Your stress will regulate itself and, perhaps, become almost your best friend

Living gratitude

Its beneficial effects on major aspects of our lives

Improve concentration

Training our attention to improve our meditation classes

Boosting energy

Reconnecting with all life's resources

To the rhythm of the 4 seasons

Everything's moving, all the time, nothing's set in stone

Improve your sleep

Our meditation for an easy night's sleep

Calming anxiety

Help us avoid drowning in painful anxiety

Connecting with the body

Live as rich a life as possible and be attentive to the slightest murmur of the body

Cultivating benevolence

A little sweetness for ourselves

Tame your emotions

Our emotions to understand ourselves

Children’s meditation

Effective in helping our children to be calmer, more composed and more attentive.

The basics

Our path to full self-presence for a more serene life

Meditation without guidance

Practice time without verbal guidance

Conscious movements

Complementarity and synergy between meditations

Daily practice

Increasing presence in yourself and in what you do

Relying on your breath

Gradually regain your breath and feel its movements.

Meditation and music

Experiencing music and meditation: two interesting approaches

Meditative journeys

Every meditation is an adventure and every exploration a revelation

Short meditations

Just a few minutes for a meditation practice

Tips for getting started

Tips for your journey towards mindfulness

Well-being at work

A fuller presence with oneself and with what surrounds us

Preparing for interviews

Your means to live this perspective to the full

Meditating with children

Meditation for children : Calm & focus