Welcome to this relaxing cardiac coherence program. I congratulate you on having already completed the balanced program. You’re probably already feeling the benefits. If not, I invite you to discover it before committing to this one.
As you know, cardiac coherence involves synchronizing our breathing with defined rhythms and durations. When we inhale, we activate the sympathetic system, whose role is to wake us up by significantly accelerating our heart rate. And when we exhale, we activate the parasympathetic system, whose role is to relax us by reducing the production of cortisol, the stress hormone, and slowing our heart rate. The result is a calming effect.
The relaxing mode corresponds to four seconds of inhalation and six seconds of exhalation, with a slight pause between inhalation and exhalation. To practice, always follow the bubble on the screen, synchronizing your breathing with its movements. Inhale as it inflates and exhale as it deflates.
As with the previous program, there are three predefined durations: three, five or seven minutes. For each duration, there’s a version in silence, with a bell at the start and end, and a version with video accompanied by nature sounds.
This relaxing cardiac coherence mode promotes relaxation and calm. It’s best used in the evening, or when you’re feeling particularly agitated. It is always recommended to perform the exercise three times a day, spaced out, and if possible, every day.
With a little practice, you’ll be able to switch to the balanced or toning program, depending on your needs. I wish you all the best with each passing day.
This mode of cardiac coherence is relaxing and calming. It’s best used in the evening, or when you’re feeling particularly agitated. It is always recommended to perform the exercise three times a day, spaced out. And if possible, every day.
With a little practice, you’ll be able to move on to the balanced or toning program, depending on your needs. I wish you all the best with each passing day.